Definition of Have a mind like a sieve

1. Verb. (simile) To have a poor memory; to have difficulty remembering things. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Have A Mind Like A Sieve

have a crow to pull
have a dog in this fight
have a few
have a fit
have a frog in one's throat
have a go
have a go at it
have a good one
have a good time
have a handle on
have a head for
have a heart
have a laugh
have a look
have a look-see
have a mind like a sieve
have a mind of one's own
have a mountain to climb
have a nice day
have a pair
have a pop at
have a quiet word
have a screw loose
have a seat
have a snootful
have a stab
have a thing
have a tiger by the tail
have a way with

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